Monday, November 30, 2009


This one ended up in a dumpster in Tempe AZ.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

still life#1

"In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."
 -Hunter S. Thompson

Saturday, November 28, 2009


His name is Rose. we washed Beemers together in the deadest of night in the sweltering heat of a Phoenix moon.Slick black sensuous curves polished by caring hands. $8 an hour or less, I don't remember. His  most known for his musical talent and was in the Tempe, AZ scene quite a bit.This picture was taken by me at Erich and Ronnie's place on New Years Eve of 1999/2000. Sahara came through and some other girl, maybe some one else, yeah I think four was in that group.Rose freaked me out. but I thought  that his appearance was the best. Not that there were not many memorable moments. But I do remember starting to play guitar and then sifting off. Do not be misled. Tis was a powerful person.

Paul is his own story, and quite possibly legend, depending on how true I can make his story.

James  Simon at his most and not least  earnest.

The Empress of the Dawn,  Don't be jealous, don't underetimate the burden.

mission statement

This is an alternate hemisphere from the other Blog, The New Professional. My intent is to post a picture a day, whether it be painting, photograph, scan, or verbal picture, quotes poems, songs, or some other thing, possibly a smell, waiting just waiting for the technology to allow scentisism, a belief in the power of aroma. A piece of art a day. good luck.